Poitiers’s university hospital and ISO 50001 certification with Teeo

Poitiers’s university hospital and ISO 50001 certification with Teeo

French Poitiers’s university hospital engages in energy management through an ISO 50001 certification approach accompanied by TEEO.

CHU is already very engaged in energy efficiency actions (eco-energy action plan, cogeneration …), ISO 50001 approach is therefore logically in an approach of energy performance improvement and sustainable energy bill reduction. In addition, the certification will allow a bonus multiplied by 2 in the valuation of Energy Saving Certificates.

With the support of TEEO, the CHU is committed to an energy policy that includes, among others optimization of energy usages, the purchase of energy efficient products, low energy construction, communication actions and staff awareness.

Hspital’s energy team and TEEO are currently deploying the second phase of the certification process: energy planning, which includes the definition of energy performance indicators, objectives, targets and action plans. A framework is well established and structures the process of continuous improvement.

See http://www.chu-poitiers.fr/lhopital-sengage-pour-un-meilleur-usage-de-lenergie/ (french)

TEEO est une société innovante, experte dans le management de l’énergie ( ISO 50001) et l’intégration de solutions. TEEO accompagne depuis 2009 les acteurs publics et privés vers la Transition Énergétique et Écologique par la gestion, la maîtrise et l’amélioration concrète de leurs performances énergétiques et environnementales.

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