Teeo and AFNOR held a workshop on Energy Management

Teeo and AFNOR held a workshop on Energy Management

TEEO and AFNOR held Thursday, March 26 a workshop titled « Management of Energy: Developing an Information System to manage your approach.”

Faced with major issues such as controlling energy consumption, reducing energy costs and improving the competitiveness of enterprises, energy management is a necessity. With its expertise and

feedback, TEEO responded to issues related to the establishment of an Energy Management System (EMS):

• What are the fundamentals of an energy performance approach?
• How to start a simple and pragmatic approach?
• How to build a relevant control system to make the right decisions?
• What are the tools and methods to structure and manage your ISO 50001 EMS?

TEEO’s solution Smart SIME which gathers a proven methodology and a software tool simplifies the EMS implementation and management while optimizing a company’s internal resources.

More information on www.afnor.org and www.teeo.fr/en/

TEEO est une société innovante, experte dans le management de l’énergie ( ISO 50001) et l’intégration de solutions. TEEO accompagne depuis 2009 les acteurs publics et privés vers la Transition Énergétique et Écologique par la gestion, la maîtrise et l’amélioration concrète de leurs performances énergétiques et environnementales.

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